G-DECK specializes in contaminant destruction to minimize solid waste and optimizes systems to minimize reject water, which enables near zero liquid waste. G-DECK Technology, Inc. can design, build and operate decentralized systems that process multiple treatment levels of water at a single site so that the end user pays for only the level of water actually required. G-DECK systems are built to suit and can handle throughput from one cubic meter per minute (m3/min) to 40 m3/min.
Our Mission
To ensure all people have access to clean, healthy, inexpensive drinking water.
What We've Achieved
The G-DECK team has designed, developed and is currently operating 12 facilities on a California Superfund site for an aerospace and defense firm. We are continually achieving throughput of more than 120,000 cubic meters per day of potable water, meeting California’s rigid standards.